Episode 06 - Captain Cole & Drunk Dave of Hold Fast
Kingfish & Friends: The Podcast focuses on spotlighting local and regional songwriters, performers, venues and more through in-depth interviews, exclusive debuts and good ol' fashioned camaraderie.
Featuring Zach ‘Kingfish’ King, Chubediah, Daniel Braught and Steve Shaw with Special Guests, Captain Cole & Drunk Dave of Hold Fast! We caught up with them this past winter after they wrapped up a weekend of work on their next album ‘Last of The Rebels’ recorded at Shaw Ranch Studio. Listen to learn what makes these Celtic rockers so well rounded in their approach to the music.
Kingfish & Friends Recorded at Shaw Ranch Studio, Newville PA.
Also available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and wherever else you listen.
This podcast contains strong language.
Drunk Dave laying down some Bouzouki at Shaw Ranch Studio