You're invited to a blues and folk night at the nest!
Local songwriter, star, and DIY extraordinaire Jacob Langley (Handguns, KIDD QUIT, PHLPHR, and more) has finally finished a solo, self-titled EP - "Jacob Daniel Langley" - and he wants YOU to be on the evening of its release, and his debut performance at the welcoming venue of Burd's Nest Brewing Co. in downtown Carlisle.
He will be joined by a songscaper named Jason Sheffield (Iamjasonsheffield) from the Gettysburg/Hanover area; a local folk songwriter rather new on the scene in Brett G. Rudder (of The Gregorys); and a long-time bonafide poet in Carlisle's own tale-spinning, guitar-strumming, coke-sipping absolute legend - the one and only Chubediah.
Join us for a great night at nest, featuring a good mix of some of the excellent creativity and songwriting that our little ole' Carlisle has to offer. Don't miss out - be a part of the experience!
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