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LIVE Upstairs: Shakemore Benefit Show

Molly Pitcher Brewing Company LIVE Upstairs presents:

ShakeMore Festival Benefit Show featuring Go Pills, Caching Behavior and The Blandinas.

Those of you not familiar with Shakemore are in for a treat! Shakemore is a free festival/reunion held in July on a beautiful farm down in Westminster MD. It's been going on since 2007 and has gotten better and better as years go on. The festival started as a reunion show for the band Half Japanese formed by brothers David and Jad Fair in the early 70's. Half Japanese over the decades has included a plethora of wonderfully talented and awesome people.
What started as a few bands and friends getting together to jam, has now evolved into a 2 day event with upwards of 30+ bands! We have a handful of (in house) bands that perform and we always leave a few spots for new ones.Half Japanese and Friends host the festival every year and perform with a multitude of great bands from all over the globe. As I mentioned, the fest is free of charge. We are able to do so with sales of merch and donations and by holding shows such as this to help fund the handful of necessities ( Tent, stage, porta-johns, etc.) needed to arrange and hold a festival with sometimes 600-700 people!!

This show is just a taste of what goes on and will surely blow your socks off! For more information on Shakemore visit or search Shakemore on google or ask anyone of us at the show and we'll be happy to give you more info.

Go PillX is front man Skizz Cyzyk from The Go Pills. They are a staple band for Shakemore and are absolutely amazing! Skizz is quite possibly THEE most talented person I know! Not only does he play in a Gagillion bands all over the country, he's also an amazing film director and creator, having received awards and hosting film festivals near and far. If you've never seen electric ukulele, or monkeys playing instruments, you won't want to miss this!

Caching Behavior is a local post indie punk rock band formed in 06-07 by Steve Shaw and Bob Nailor. They did a fair share of playing in the Harrisburg punk scene in and around that time sharing the stage with bands like Paper Tongue, The I don't cares, Pariah Piranha and many others playing eclectic originals and some known punk tunes from our era. Buzz Klinger joined the band in 09 and In 2010 we were introduced to Shakemore and have been part of the family ever since. Steve and the guys are now the official sound crew for Shakemore and continue to deliver year after year of dedicated sound reinforcement.

The Blandinas were formed in 2011 on a spur of the moment decision by Victoria Stone, front women for Brand Bland, The i don't cares and El Guano, to open for rock and roll great Jon Spencer and The Blues Explosion! Together with her husband, Paul on guitar and Steve Shaw on drums, they put together a set in record time and blew the roof off the place with their HUGE sound! Double muff pedals and killer tones along with a driving beat make for some definite SHAKING perfect for Shakemore! P.S. We will have ear plugs! ;)

Production: Shaw Ranch Studio
Promotion: Kingfish & Friends
Design: Phil George

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